Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Song prize ahoy!

I am through to the song prize final!!! Mega excited although suddenly having a panic that what I had planned to wear won't work. I'm sure it will, I just need to go through the panic stage. Rehearsals start to day and I will hear tomorrow evening about the main prize final.

Still very tired, although I got my first good night's sleep in a long time last night. Thinking about going for a kip after writing this though! Because even diva sometimes need 40 winks...


Suzanne Winter said...
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Suzanne Winter said...

Whoops! Didn't like that last posting anyway! All it said was you 're the VERY best. Lots of love and congratulations from Tideswell MVC as well. Go Girl!! Knock 'em dead with your lovely smile, wonderful interpretations and dazzling, brilliant voice!