Thursday, 1 March 2007

I'm flagging...

Urghh.. I'm flagging a bit today because of my quite busy schedule this week. Really struggled to wake up this morning so haven't been for a run but have decided to run and walk to Paul's for our rehearsal this afternoon. It will take about an hour, which is as long as it took me on public transport the other day anyway!

The audition yesterday went quite well I think, now I just have to wait. There's always things you think you could have done better in these situations, I just have to learn from each performance and improve each time. It's been quite some time since I had an Alexander technique lesson and I think that would really help my focus and concentration (and relax me a bit!) so I'm going to aim to put a lesson in next week.

I am quite worried about tomorrow and knowing all the words. I have most of the songs on my ipod so I will listen on the way to my rehearsal and have a bit of a practise before I go and hopefully that will be enough. I'm cooking for friends tonight so that will be a nice way to relax.

Right, Szymanowski beckons...


Unknown said...

Liz, just thought I'd confess to lurking and checking up on your progress!

We discussed doing a 10K together later in the year. Well, how about we commit to one now?

Elizabeth Watts said...

Done. In public so no going back! We will be in touch...

Kalu said...

why you dont write anymore
