Monday, 5 March 2007

Well, it has been quite a busy few days, so I thought I would give you a little update.

The concert on friday went very well overall, with a few blemishes. The worst of these was me losing my way in the unaccompanied cadenza at the end of the Berlioz. I had been so worried about the rest of it I had failed to properly memorise the end! Note to self: when singing unaccompanied know the dots even if it is to ah! The audience were very receptive and seemed to enjoy all the pieces, including the more off the beaten track items by szymanowski and maconchy. So all round I think it's a thumbs up for the programme. I had a singing lesson today and my teacher seemed happy with it too, so no going back now!

Plans are now advanced for my trip to New York to work with the legendary soprano Catherine Malfitano, and the trip to Aldeburgh looks increasingly likely. I have now found a Polish singer to contact about perfecting my accent and will be seeing a German coach tomorrow. I have also now managed to set up an appointment with the orthodontist. This may seem completely irrelevant to my singing, but the shape and proper functioning of your jaw are crucial to a long and happy career as a singer. Mine needs a few tweeks ideally, so I am hoping to make some progress on that before the competition.

I was hoping to set up an alexander lesson later this week, but will, I think perhaps be thwarted by the long running saga of my new kitchen: 4 months on from when they started it is still not finished, and they want to come this week, which means staying at home whilst they work (things seem to go wrong if I go out). Yes, even divas have problems with workmen. If it doesn't get sorted out properly soon then I will name and shame the company!

Right, I had better do some practise!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

You're world really is surreal compared to mine. See you in the summer if not before.